Professor Yasser Al-Rayyan, Dean of the School of Medicine, held an academic meeting with a number of School of Medicine students in the clinical stage. The meeting was held on 4-1-2024 and discussed a number of important topics related to the academic process and clinical training. A number of faculty members participated in the meeting, and the meeting was attended by Professor Asma Al-Basha, Dr. Enas Al-Zayadna, Assistant Dean for Quality and Communication Affairs, and Dr. Kais Al-Balbisi.
A number of students participated, upon recommendation from the Office of Clinical Training and Graduate Affairs, where each of the students attended (Khuloud Sultan, Sia Sawan, Carmen Sahawneh, Muhammad Al-Rafaiah, Lana Batarseh, Lara Abu Rumman, Lama Al-Rabadi, Ihsan Qutb, Sabreen Ammar, Karim Battah, Ebadah Farroukh Rakan Nour Al-Din, Alaa Al-Din Obaidat, and Doctor Moatasem Abu Mallouh ,a high-specialty students at the University Hospital.
The meeting included an interactive discussion between the participants on the topics raised, and the Dean listened to a number of students' comments and suggestions for improvement, development, and ensuring the quality of education in the clinical training process.
Office of Quality and Communication Affairs - College of Medicine.