School News :: School of Medicine

School News

  • 23 - May
  • 2024

Appointment of Honorary Professors at the School of Medicine

The School of Medicine is proud to appoint a group of honorary professors who have joined the faculty members in the clinical and basic departments in the School. Their appointment decisions were issued successively by the Deans' Council at the University of Jordan after their names were nominated by the department councils and the School council based on the principles approved by the university for appointing honorary professors. This comes as part of the university's efforts to attract distinguished professors and researchers to benefit from their qualitative expertise and extensive experience, which works to enhance the prestigious academic and employment reputation of the University of Jordan in general and the School of Medicine in particular.

Below are the names of Honorary Professors appointed at the School of Medicine to date:

Prof. Hagop M. KantarjianInternal
Prof. Shahrokh ShariatSpecial  Surgery
Prof. Faisal G. BakaeenGeneral Surgery
Prof. Nabil j. AlkayedPhysiology and Biochemistry
Prof. Ziyad M. HijaziPediatrics
Prof. Ayman O. SoubaniInternal Medicine
Prof. Raed DweikInternal Medicine
Prof. Samer K ElbabaaSpecial Surgery
Prof. Patrik MedstrandPathology
Prof. Mohammad AlhadadInternal Medicine
Prof. Nadera SweissInternal Medicine
Prof. Rami KomrokjiInternal Medicine
Prof. Walid AbuhammourPediatrics
Prof. Munther HomoudInternal Medicine
Prof. Eyas Mahmoud HattabPathology
Prof. Natasha HalasaPediatrics
Prof. Mario DamianoSpecial Surgery
Prof.Stefano NegriniSpecial Surgery
Prof. Amr QudeimatPediatrics

Office of Quality , Communication Affairs ,and International Rankings – School  of Medicine
