School of Medicine :: The University of Jordan :: *The University of Jordan receives the Distinguished Official University Award 2024*

Schools Acheivements


*The University of Jordan receives the Distinguished Official University Award 2024*

​The School of  Medicine, represented by the  Dean of the School  and the academic and administrative staff, participates in the University's celebration of the honorable national achievement achieved by the University of Jordan by obtaining the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency/Distinguished Official University Award for the year 2024.

His Majesty King Abdullah II graciously handed over the award shield to His Excellency Professor  Nathir Obaidat, President of the University.

This victory comes as a culmination of the great efforts of the university presidency, led by His Excellency the University President, Professor  Obaidat, and is an indicator of the excellence and achievement contributed by the faculty and administrative staff and students.


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