School of Medicine
"The School of medicine is the first medical school in Jordan. We are looking forward to being the first and most distinguished in the region."
  Strategy of Department
Department of obstetrics and gynecology
expand  Mission
expand  Vision
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will advance the quality of life in Jordan by fulfilling the instructional, research and outreach obligations of a world-class medical institution.
The Department will also:   
• Encourage scholarly activity of the residents and medical students;
• Encourage life-long learning, which is imperative to the practice of medicine;
• Promote proficiency in the technical arts related to Obstetrics and Gynecology;
• Incorporate advances in medical knowledge and technology in order to better serve the citizens of this country;
• Be viewed as a leader in women’s health care; and
• Serve as an advocate, resource, and referral base for physicians in the whole of this country
expand  Objectives