School News :: School of Medicine

School News

  • 02 - Apr
  • 2024

Medical students participate in virtual elections

Students from the school of Medicine, along with their colleagues from the schools of Engineering, Science, and Agriculture, participated in the election introductory day organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs in cooperation with the Independent Election Commission to simulate the Student Union and parliamentary elections in the lobby of the health hall complex today, Sunday, 3/31/2024.

The activity was attended by Professor Yaser Al-Rayyan, Dean of the School of Medicine, Professor Safwan Al-Sheyab, Dean of Student Affairs, and Assistant Deans for Student Affairs in the various schools. This activity is a unique experience in which the students experienced the student union elections and parliamentary elections. Additionally, It is an important step towards enhancing electoral awareness among students, and encouraging them to participate effectively in the upcoming elections, out of belief in the importance of their role in building the future of their country.

The Independent Election Commission employees gave the university students a briefing on the integrity guarantees guaranteed by the Authority to guarantee the citizen's right to express his will and freely choose who represents him. While others presented the issue of women's empowerment and their role in strengthening the democratic process and advancing party and political work. The exhibition included a realistic presentation and simulation of the voting process by displaying the tools used in the electoral process, such as inks, boxes, technology, computer hardware, software, electronic connectivity between stations, and others.

In conjunction with the educational exhibition, the deanship organized an awareness lecture on the importance of political participation and its repercussions on the development and prosperity of society.

The event witnessed great interaction from students who expressed their benefit from the information presented during the symposium and exhibition, stressing the importance of participating in the elections as a national duty.


Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in Basic Departments Office.