Power Lab
The Power lab at the faculty of Medicine is intended to provide services to medical students and post graduate students in performing researches in Physiology. It is comprises of hardware and software designed to record and analyze physiological signals from human or animal subjects or from isolated organs.The Power Lab system designed to perform various functions needed for data acquisition, signal conditioning and pre-processing.Versatile display options and analysis functions are complemented by the ability to export data to other software.
Main equipment
• Data acquisition system
• Fume hood
• Nerve muscle stimulator
• Organ baths
• Oxygen supply
• Water Bath
Lab Director:
Dr. Mohamed Khatatbeh,MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Physiology
Laboratory Information:
• Location: School of Medicine/ Building NO.1/Department of Physiology and Biochemistry/ First floor / 119
• Hours: Weekdays: 8:00 to 4:00
• Telephone: 00962-6-535500.Ext: 23477
• Area: 36 m2