School of Medicine :: The University of Jordan ::

  School of Medicine - Department of Radiology

Department Strategy


To be a leader in providing the best standards of care and research in the profession of Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Jordan.


Providing contemporary high standard medical care in the field of Anesthesia and Intensive Care for patients in need, and maintaining these high standards through:
1- Continuous development of the profession to meet international standards.
2- Training new generations of qualified doctors in the field.
3- Teaching Undergraduate medical students.
4- Taking a role in improving the specialty worldwide by doing anesthesia related medical research.


Anatomy is a practical subject, best learned by gaining hands-on experience of the body.  Students should spend as much time as they can examining cadaveric dissections.  Histology has never been such and important part of the medical curriculum as it is today.  The teaching of physiology and biochemistry increasingly revolves around the new discipline of cell biology and so a knowledge of cellular histology and ultrastructure is of paramount importance.  An understanding of the causes, mechanisms and effects of disease is increasingly dependent on a knowledge of histology, ultrastructure and cell biology.


Teaching gross anatomy should largely depends on using human prosections, models as well as X- ray pictures and CT and MRI scans. Using these media is expected to allow the student to comprehend the details of the human anatomy in a simple clear way. For histology the teaching should make use of light microscopic and electron microscopic pictures. Many of the physiologic and pathological changes could be followed only at the level of the electron microscope.


          To be committed to excellence in physiology and biochemistry education as well as outstanding research. The department is determined to expand and promote the intellectual abilities of medical health professionals by providing excellent up to date medical knowledge and skills necessary for practicing the medical profession in accordance with the best international standards


          In accord with the mission of Faculty of Medicine at the University of Jordan, the department of physiology and biochemistry is committed to teaching physiology and biochemistry courses for medical and other health sciences professional students. The department will focus on research activities that contribute to the development of health sciences and solve health problems related to our community at large.


To provide excellent teaching  for medical, dental, pharmacy and nursing students as well as to provide high quality laboratory services for the diagnosis of pathological and microbiological diseases,  Forensic Medicine and Toxicology . The department is devoted to conduct high quality research in specific topics of Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and Analytical Toxicology.


The vision of the Department of Pharmacology is to become a centre of excellence in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics in Jordan by providing excellent teaching and training for medical students and other health disciplines.  In addition, to be a center for excellence in pharmacology research activities.


The mission of our department is to develop, with other departments, a medical graduate who is equipped with contemporary pharmacological knowledge and who is competent in safe and effective prescribing.  The department also aims at undertaking high quality research activities directed at local problems related to drugs and poisons.


The Department of family and Community Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan is dedicated to be recognized as a significant force in preventing disease and promoting health both nationally and in the region.
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