| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Russia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/t.mahafza/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/t.mahafza/default.aspx | 1/1/2002 | Special Surgery | 8 | t.mahafza@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Tw_W_X4AAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | e.Associate Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/tawalbeh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/tawalbeh/default.aspx | 1/1/2001 | Special Surgery | 8 | tawalbeh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VBTgeLwAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | e.Associate Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/rawashdeh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/rawashdeh/default.aspx | 6/1/2020 | Special Surgery | 8 | rawashdeh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Baeth_Al-Rawashdeh | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=219SgjwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F5G1fjvsUJm6cKOhjabklLa3GrrzDbAna2LnbaqdZlAPQiBjR4IVmq0oCRsBs_KrgwWR7Q0_WjhWlo8t6JaF9vf-ySqlafBZfhVpkLLMIT9KeqshFI | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | United States of America | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kabaqi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kabaqi/default.aspx | 10/15/2018 | Special Surgery | 8 | kabaqi@ju.edu.jo | 0962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | Full Timer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=72rzB5EAAAAJ&hl=en&pli=1 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khader_Abdul_Baqi | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | g.Teacher | Iraq | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/q.alsabbagh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/q.alsabbagh/default.aspx | 6/24/2007 | Special Surgery | 8 | q.saleh@ju.edu.jo | | | | Full Timer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YkM7_JMAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Spain | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aftamimi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aftamimi/default.aspx | 1/1/2001 | Special Surgery | 8 | aftamimi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=p3jEe3cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.gharaibeh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.gharaibeh/default.aspx | 12/24/2012 | Special Surgery | 8 | a.gharaibeh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E8UQxe4AAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/o.ababneh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/o.ababneh/default.aspx | 6/15/2013 | Special Surgery | 8 | o.ababneh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | Full Timer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IVBBwHkAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.abuameerh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.abuameerh/default.aspx | 12/3/2008 | Special Surgery | 8 | m.abuameerh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353 444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nLCwlWAAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | United kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mbdour/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mbdour/default.aspx | 1/1/2002 | Special Surgery | 8 | mbdour@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=G-W9btgAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/j.ajlouni/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/j.ajlouni/default.aspx | 1/1/2005 | Special Surgery | 8 | j.ajlouni@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2qrwwNsAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Italy | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/z.hawamdeh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/z.hawamdeh/default.aspx | 1/1/2004 | Special Surgery | 8 | Z.Hawamedeh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 | 6 | 5353444 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NrZs9jwAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/o.samarah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/o.samarah/default.aspx | 6/20/2016 | Special Surgery | 8 | o.samarah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dWfCNfMAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | e.Associate Professor | GERMANY | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.hadidi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.hadidi/default.aspx | 3/31/2011 | Special Surgery | 8 | f.hadidi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=mpYknfIAAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fadi-Al-Hadidi | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Ireland | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/shah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/shah/default.aspx | 1/1/2007 | Special Surgery | 8 | shah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uDrZCuAAAAAJ&hl=en | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/freih/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/freih/default.aspx | 1/1/2009 | Special Surgery | 8 | freih@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | 00962 6 592 1956 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rnOfCyEAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/g.Aledwan/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/g.Aledwan/default.aspx | 2/8/2016 | Special Surgery | 8 | g.Aledwan@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SnwR8RcAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Special Surgery | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mujalli/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mujalli/default.aspx | 1/1/1993 | Special Surgery | 8 | mujalli@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2451 | | Full Timer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S4jDHhAAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mujalli-Murshidi | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anatomy and Histology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/A.shatarat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/A.shatarat/default.aspx | 3/28/2021 | Anatomy and Histology | 1 | A.shatarat@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23434 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mdK0JYgAAAAJ&hl=ar | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amjad-Shatarat | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anatomy and Histology | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mthadidi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mthadidi/default.aspx | 1/1/2005 | Anatomy and Histology | 1 | mthadidi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23425 | | Full time lecturer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=M4x7k1IAAAAJ&hl=en | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anatomy and Histology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/dhbadran/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/dhbadran/default.aspx | 9/14/2015 | Anatomy and Histology | 1 | dhbadran@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23425 | 00962 6 5355500 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HYDp2pUTIJMC&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Darwish-Badran | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anatomy and Histology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fbustami/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fbustami/default.aspx | 1/1/1990 | Anatomy and Histology | 1 | fbustami@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23425 | | Chairman | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=XEzVPiIAAAAJ | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anatomy and Histology | h.Lecturer | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mhmutseb/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mhmutseb/default.aspx | 1/1/2000 | Anatomy and Histology | 1 | mhmutseb@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23425 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KsX_nh8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/sismail/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/sismail/default.aspx | 1/1/2013 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | sismail@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23476 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=btAtn60AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Said_Ismail | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/khatibfa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/khatibfa/default.aspx | 1/1/2007 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | khatibfa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23415 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Z-SYiFIAAAAJ | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | d.Professor | India | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nsohk/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nsohk/default.aspx | 1/1/1993 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | nsohk@ju.edu.jo | 009625355000 | 23476 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/malessa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/malessa/default.aspx | 1/1/2008 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | malessa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23476 | | Full Timer | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FaAOg68AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed_Al-Essa | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fmmed/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fmmed/default.aspx | 3/1/2013 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | fmmed@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23476 | | | https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=faisal+i+mohammed&oq= | https://www.researchgate.net/search.Search.html?type=researcher&query=faisal%20i.%20mohammed | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/yanals/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/yanals/default.aspx | 1/29/2018 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | yanals@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23476 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6d5fF14AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanal_Shafagoj | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Physiology and Biochemistry | d.Professor | Turkey | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/salimkh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/salimkh/default.aspx | 1/1/1989 | Physiology and Biochemistry | 2 | salimkh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23476 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/akbattah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/akbattah/default.aspx | 12/24/2012 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | akbattah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GVy9Wj4AAAAJ&hl=enhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GVy9Wj4AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdelkader_Battah | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/H.abderrahman/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/H.abderrahman/default.aspx | 7/12/2022 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | H.abderrahman@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=dDMh8W0AAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/iabdallat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/iabdallat/default.aspx | 5/8/2016 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | imada@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | 00962 6 5300781 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tVjdOYgAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/khadidi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/khadidi/default.aspx | 1/1/2005 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | khadidi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=3SjjeOgAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ashehabi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ashehabi/default.aspx | 1/1/1986 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | ashehabi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | Lebanon | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mahafzaa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mahafzaa/default.aspx | 1/1/2009 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | mahafzaa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | Dean | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=V1UqGOQAAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Azmi-Mahafzah | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mshomaf/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mshomaf/default.aspx | 5/7/2018 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | mshomaf@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HX2-PqoAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fatima.obeidat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fatima.obeidat/default.aspx | 8/9/2010 | Pathology, microbiology and forensic medicine | 3 | fatima.obeidat@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23500 | | | Https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=j6ebSUIAAAAJ&hl=en | Https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.researchgate.net/profile/Fatima-obeidat | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pharmacology | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/M.zihlif/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/M.zihlif/default.aspx | 1/8/2017 | Pharmacology | 4 | M.zihlif@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23455 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vkLHnCQAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Pharmacology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/elayan/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/elayan/default.aspx | 1/1/1990 | Pharmacology | 4 | helayan@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23455 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pharmacology | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/oshaheen/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/oshaheen/default.aspx | 1/1/1991 | Pharmacology | 4 | oshaheen@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23455 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pharmacology | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/szmeili/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/szmeili/default.aspx | 1/1/1998 | Pharmacology | 4 | szmeili@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23455 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kIviDY0AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Suheil-Zmeili | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pharmacology | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mgharaib/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mgharaib/default.aspx | 1/1/1998 | Pharmacology | 4 | mgharaib@ju.edu.jo | 962 6 5355000 | 23455 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.barghothi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.barghothi/default.aspx | 6/15/2013 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | f.barghothi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=F3gKG3MAAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=sra | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nyasein/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nyasein/default.aspx | 10/1/2013 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | nyasein@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fHtwHh0AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nada-Yasein | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mjaghbir/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mjaghbir/default.aspx | 1/1/2000 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | mjaghbir@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fmn/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fmn/default.aspx | 1/1/2006 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | fmn@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ati1NDMAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ralqutob/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ralqutob/default.aspx | 1/1/2006 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | ralqutob@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oj-PofcAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Family and Community Medicine | h.Lecturer | Saudi Arabia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ssharif/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ssharif/default.aspx | 1/1/1990 | Family and Community Medicine | 5 | ssharif@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5355000 | 23444 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.saleh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.saleh/default.aspx | 4/1/2019 | Internal Medicine | 6 | a.saleh@Ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=W4daGQQAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/h.makhamreh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/h.makhamreh/default.aspx | 6/1/2020 | Internal Medicine | 6 | h.makhamreh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=R5tkX7AAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | f.Assistant Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/T.qsos/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/T.qsos/default.aspx | 9/5/2010 | Internal Medicine | 6 | T.qsos@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | e.Associate Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aabusanei/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aabusanei/default.aspx | 7/25/2004 | Internal Medicine | 6 | aabusanei@ju.edu.jo | 00962 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=c6ffNf4AAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | e.Associate Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/makhatib/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/makhatib/default.aspx | 1/1/2003 | Internal Medicine | 6 | makhatib@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aabbadi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aabbadi/default.aspx | 1/1/1988 | Internal Medicine | 6 | aabbadi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ZDaDtpgAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fbakri/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/fbakri/default.aspx | 1/1/2019 | Internal Medicine | 6 | fbakri@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=ctzjK-QAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.wahbeh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.wahbeh/default.aspx | 2/2/2015 | Internal Medicine | 6 | a.wahbeh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Iovc214AAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ayman-Wahbeh | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i.alawwa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i.alawwa/default.aspx | 1/1/1995 | Internal Medicine | 6 | i.alawwa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=kcFN3TcAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/s.dahbour/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/s.dahbour/default.aspx | 7/30/2018 | Internal Medicine | 6 | s.dahbour@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vUvm96AAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | France | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ybahou/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ybahou/default.aspx | 12/5/2005 | Internal Medicine | 6 | ybahou@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HpPBMGoAAAAJ | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | h.Lecturer | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/r.azawi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/r.azawi/default.aspx | 1/1/1995 | Internal Medicine | 6 | r.azawi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | e.Associate Professor | Greece | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/r.banimustafa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/r.banimustafa/default.aspx | 10/11/2007 | Internal Medicine | 6 | r.banimustafa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=zlRDreQAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nobeidat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nobeidat/default.aspx | 10/5/2015 | Internal Medicine | 6 | nobeidat@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | Dean | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=5tK6SkwAAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nathir-Obeidat | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Internal Medicine | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kmustafa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kmustafa/default.aspx | 6/1/2015 | Internal Medicine | 6 | kmustafa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2474 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=B_oawnoAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Radiology | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.najar/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.najar/default.aspx | 1/1/2010 | Radiology | 12 | m.najar@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bfy8UEkAAAAJ&hl=ar | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahasen_Al_Najar | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Radiology | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/osamara/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/osamara/default.aspx | 1/24/2017 | Radiology | 12 | osamara@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ixshBKQAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Radiology | e.Associate Professor | U K | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/e.Tarawneh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/e.Tarawneh/default.aspx | 1/1/2009 | Radiology | 12 | etarawneh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=J_Q8eYcAAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Emad_Tarawneh | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Radiology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/wmahafza/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/wmahafza/default.aspx | 1/1/2008 | Radiology | 12 | wmahafza@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Dc-3ySAAAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Waleed_Mahafza2 | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Radiology | d.Professor | Italy | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/abedsharif/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/abedsharif/default.aspx | 9/19/2016 | Radiology | 12 | abedsharif@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wTw6z7cAAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abedallatif_Al-Sharif | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Radiology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ahadidy/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/ahadidy/default.aspx | 1/1/2010 | Radiology | 12 | ahadidy@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2216 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=a74V3bUAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | e.Associate Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/qudaisat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/qudaisat/default.aspx | 1/1/2003 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | qudaisat@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353666 | 2390 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Sy2_uR8AAAAJ&hl=en | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ibraheem-Qudaisat | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.Al-mustafa/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.Al-mustafa/default.aspx | 11/23/2020 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | m.Al-mustafa@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353666 | 2420 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=f3zEIT4AAAAJ&hl=ar&oi=ao | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Ireland | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/s.halaweh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/s.halaweh/default.aspx | 9/14/2015 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | shalaweh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2383 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9uj8FVMAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i_massad/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i_massad/default.aspx | 10/1/2013 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | i_massad@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353666 | 2383 | | Chairman | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DwtDl_gAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aloweidi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aloweidi/default.aspx | 1/1/2011 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | aloweidi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2383 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1QvSbsEAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | New Zealand | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kalzaben/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kalzaben/default.aspx | 10/10/2016 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | kalzaben@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2383 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=uVuMATAAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Germany | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/bashirat/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/bashirat/default.aspx | 1/1/2010 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | bashirat@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2383 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=F5F5KWkAAAAJ&hl=en | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | d.Professor | Ireland | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/alghanem/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/alghanem/default.aspx | 8/26/2009 | Anesthesia and Intensive Care | 9 | alghanem@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2383 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=vsAGfGoAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | U. S. A | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i.ammouri/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/i.ammouri/default.aspx | 1/1/2006 | Pediatrics | 10 | i.ammouri@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=09jRI7MAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | Canada | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aqudah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/aqudah/default.aspx | 2/7/2000 | Pediatrics | 10 | aqudah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | 00962 6 5353388 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=C-7fjhkAAAAJ | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | http://medicine.ju.edu.jo/ar/Arabic/Lists/FacultyAcademicStaff/Attachments/101/Abdalkarim_Qudah_Cv.pdf | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | Jordan | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/amasri/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/amasri/default.aspx | 8/1/2013 | Pediatrics | 10 | amasri@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=jApFlmYAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | Pediatrics | Child neurology | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | a.Honorary Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nkhuri/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/nkhuri/default.aspx | 1/1/1998 | Pediatrics | 10 | nkhuri@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | 00962 6 5353388 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YIXuBv8AAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/e.badran/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/e.badran/default.aspx | 9/9/2013 | Pediatrics | 10 | e.badran@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PnhGn4UAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | Canada | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.allawama/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.allawama/default.aspx | 2/8/2009 | Pediatrics | 10 | m.allawama@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ndbMyhMAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | U. S. A | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kamalakl/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/kamalakl/default.aspx | 12/31/2016 | Pediatrics | 10 | kamalakl@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 00962 6 46447100 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=JDv6rYYAAAAJ | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Pediatrics | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/j.albaramki/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/j.albaramki/default.aspx | 2/20/2016 | Pediatrics | 10 | j.albaramki@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?authuser=3&user=cVWlODQAAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jumana-Albaramki | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | e.Associate Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.khdrah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/m.khdrah/default.aspx | 6/25/2018 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | m.khdrah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tmw3MkAAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/A.basha/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/A.basha/default.aspx | 7/1/2021 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | A.basha@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=82FUPP8AAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | e.Associate Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.thekrallah/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.thekrallah/default.aspx | 6/1/2020 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | f.thekrallah@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=RN4OCRwAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | e.Associate Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.qatawneh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.qatawneh/ | 1/1/2004 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | a.qatawneh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2775 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=NeOzs4kAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/drmbata/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/drmbata | 1/1/1986 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | drmbata@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2775 | | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | d.Professor | United Kingdom | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/sssaleh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/sssaleh | 6/15/2013 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | sssaleh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2775 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=MxLHntMAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/k.Fram/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/k.Fram | 1/1/2018 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | k.fram@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2775 | 00962 6 553 8845 | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=6tiNn6oAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | e.Associate Professor | Canada | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.kazaleh/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/f.kazaleh | 1/1/2008 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | f.kazaleh@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2767 | | Chairman | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=5DHw8IYAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | Obstetrics and Gynecology | d.Professor | Canada | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mramahi/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/mramahi | 5/7/2009 | Obstetrics and Gynecology | 11 | mramahi@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2775 | 00962 6 5353388 | | | | 2.Previous Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | General Surgery | d.Professor | France | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/msmady/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/msmady/ | 1/1/2009 | General Surgery | 7 | msmady@ju.edu.jo | 00962 5353444 | 2483 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AkHv4cYAAAAJ&hl=en | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | cardiac surgery | cardiovascular surgery | | | | | | |
| | | | General Surgery | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/abeelehm//Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/abeelehm/ | 6/2/2010 | General Surgery | 7 | abeelehm@ju.edu.jo | 00962 5353444 | 2483 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=wkCwIeAAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | General Surgery | d.Professor | Australia | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/albsoul/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/albsoul | 1/4/2016 | General Surgery | 7 | albsoul@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2483 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=WfI7PEAAAAAJ | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nader-Albsoul | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | General Surgery | d.Professor | Italy | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.mismar/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/a.mismar/ | 1/1/2021 | General Surgery | 7 | a.mismar@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2483 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=AKq1w9IAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | 1 | |
| | | | General Surgery | d.Professor | USA | | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/niyounes/Lists/Published%20Research/AllItems.aspx | http://eacademic.ju.edu.jo/niyounes/ | 1/1/2006 | General Surgery | 7 | niyounes@ju.edu.jo | 00962 6 5353444 | 2483 | | | https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=8WC6JWQAAAAJ | | 1.Current Faculty Members | | | | | | | | | |